I offer a completely bespoke approach to working with your team. No death by PowerPoint, no prescribed coaching here. I work with you and your team as individuals and as a whole to create a full and detailed programme or team day based on YOUR needs.

‘A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.’ – Simon Sinek

By using spotlight profiling we look at individual preferences and strengths which make up your formidable team. Together we celebrate the ability to be flexible and adaptable and together we break down barriers to improve communication & working relationships leading to greater business success.

‘The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.’ – Phil Jackson

‘A leader’s job is to ELEVATE the team, not delegate the team. Elevate your team to take initiative because real leadership is when you can create a culture of self-leadership within your team.’ – Janna Cachola

TEAM Coaching & Workshops

I work with you to design an amazing program specifically to meet your needs and objectives for your team. I will enable you to harness the unique strengths and talents of each of your team members to create a greater awareness and understanding of your team that will enhance communication, reduce absenteeism, and increase profit. This program is designed to improve the effectiveness of your team.


‘If you want positive results both personally and professionally then I highly recommend working with Becky. She has worked with our full staff team, facilitated in-service trainings, worked with staff on 1:1 and helped our management team embed a new appraisal procedure into the business which has been all based on the GROW Model and allowed for thought provoking, challenging conversations and a great opportunity to empower the team . Becky has passion, enthusiasm and a very persuasive manner that sees fantastic results. We will be continuing to work with her in the future and highly recommend her for what she does .’

Clare Cliff, Manchester Occupational Therapist Services

On behalf of Manchester Occupational Therapy Services Ltd we highly recommend the amazing, inspirational Becky J Field who once again facilitated our in service for the team.
Her smile lights up the room and she certainly gets everybody engaged, challenged and most of all allows people to feel comfortable and valued. As a business we chatted with her about the outcomes we wanted and then as we have used her services on several occasions already we let her create our day focusing on “the magic of MOTS” and she didn’t disappoint.

Thorough consultation

No cookie cutter approach. I work with you to meet all your objectives whilst delivering a purposeful team day that brings the full team together to increase positivity, communication and understanding of each other.

The whole impact of spotlights and the team days are designed to have a long-lasting impact on individuals and as a business.

Results of which include:






I have 24 years experience of working in groups. I can deliver any subject using creativity and fun. I collaborate with some amazing collaborators to create the perfect day for you.

Combined with the spotlight profiles you will walk away with EVERYTHING you need to recreate a wonderful coaching culture which has open communication, trust and fun at the centre.


The individual spotlight sessions prior to the team day gave us the ability to understand why others in the team act a certain way, how to manage conversations to achieve the desired outcomes, and ultimately resulted in some “aha” moments where things finally clicked into place regarding how people act or react. We also could understand better who had what skills when it comes to project planning – who will make sure we consider all the risks, who will keep us on track, and who is most likely to keep spirits up when the going gets tough, etc.

Every member of the team found the exercise to be extremely valuable, and different people took different things away from it.

I truly believe the Spotlight Profiles exercise that Becky led us through has deepened our team’s understanding of each other, as well as increased our respect for each other, and brought us together closer as a team.

Leanne Peasnall, Head of Marketing, MT